Honey bottle

Premier CBD Honey

A natural blend of Hemp-Derived, Organic Broad Spectrum CBD infused into Organic Honeys

Bold Yet Smooth

One taste of our classic Organic CBD Honey will have you pouring it into and on top of everything you love. From shakes, teas, and coffees to desserts, snacks, and fine dining five course meals.

25mg of Organic CBD Per Single TBSP Serving

We’ve worked for years to arrive at the perfect recipe. With eight tablespoons per Honeybis jar, savor a single spoonful or pour your whole jar into your Granny’s Honey Cornbread recipe.

Broad Spectrum CBD Benefits

Full body relaxation, muscle repair, and stress relief are just a few of the many health benefits of CBD. Read on to learn more.

An Organic Offering

We are proud to source our honey from local beekeepers in Pennsylvania. Completely organic from our table to yours!

Easy to Use

Whether you drizzle a dollop onto a hot pizza, stir a spoonful into your morning tea, or bake a whole jar into a pan of cornbread, there are countless ways to enjoy Honeybis. And with a recipe crafted from only the most natural ingredients we can find, we know that Honeybis will elevate your next meal. One tablespoon is all you need to begin enjoying the myriad of CBD health benefits and Honeybis lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you don’t already know of all the natural benefits of CBD and locally sourced honey, we’ve listed some answers to a few of ours most commonly asked questions!

No. CBD isn’t psychoactive — meaning it won’t get you “high.” Instead, research suggests that it may help: reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep, and alleviate aches and pains.

 CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are two of the most well-known compounds isolated from the Cannabis sativa plant. It is THC, not CBD, that creates the ‘high-feeling’ people associate with cannabis use

Yes. We recommend it! There are many ways to enjoy Honeybis aside from just eating it straight (as some may use it as a cough suppressant). We favor it most mixed in tea and shakes. Share with us your favorite ways to pour out the love at @TheHoneybis

No. Most drug tests are looking for a certain amount of THC in your blood/urine sample. However, as discussed, (CBD) Honeybis does NOT contain any THC whatsoever. We take pride in bringing you the cleanest, most organic Hemp derivatives available.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring compound found in the resinous flower of the Hemp plant. CBD has proven neuro-productive effects and its anti-cancer properties are being investigated at several academic research centers around the world.

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